Warner Hotels and DJ Fresh give location 3746 two very different looks

Our locations don't have to be big to be versatile - check out two very different shoots that recently took place at the residential location with the best classic suburban frontage in the business, 3746...

For Warner Hotels, 3746 was the picture of tranquil domesticity, complete with white picket fence, ornamental water feature, and a very exasperated husband named Colin: 

But when the DJ Fresh ft. Ms Dynamite music video for 'Dibby Dibby Sound' rolled in, everything became a speaker, from the front of the house to the postbox, washing machine, and even the family dogs...

We can't wait to see what 2014 holds for 3746 - if you'd like to turn its classic 70s look into something new, or think it's perfect just the way it is, give the residential team a call on 0207 284 8903, or e-mail alison@location-collective.co.uk

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